February 5, 2009


I gotta tell ya, I never thought I'd be saying it. But I'm beginning to really love that cocksucker!

Why? Well, there's nothing so satisfying as seeing a lying, stupid, black male getting revealed as the lying, stupid, black male that he is.

The only reason the thief executive, cocksucker-in-chief is even in possession of the White House is because of the 9 people I previously wrote about at some length. For all of you new readers and even for all of you fascists who, by definition, are just too stupid, the nine people are the chief news writers at AP, ABC, NBC and CBS. Those people got BS elected, and ACORN's fraud simply cinched it.

But now that BS has established our right--indeed, our duty as Americans, to tell everyone else how much to earn, his support is about to vanish faster than a bucket of thighs at Jeremiah Wright's house.

It will become very clear to the happy 9 and their dolts Katie and Brian and Matt and Meredith and Tom and all of the rest of those overpaid, unqualified lying sacks o' shit that since we're now setting everyone else's compensation, their obscene salaries are also about to take a quick trip right down the ol' shitter.

And they should. An ugly, lying and untalented cunt such as Couric, Goldberg or Viera, that works maybe 3 hours a day doing very little of anything other than reading the lies they've been instructed to tell should not be earning more than $30 or $40 dollars an hour, total. Same for Lauer, Wilson, Brokaw and the rest.

Of course, as soon as those bigot phonies learn that they're next my man BS will suddenly become quite unpopular to Americans. Inexplicably he will fall from grace and get tossed to the curb exactly where a porter belongs.

Barry, it was good while it lasted. And just think of all of the good you did for your race. You, a part black, will forever be remembered as the worst president in history. And the talking hemmeroid of the House, a woman, will be right up there with you forever known as the worst Speaker of the House.

Wasn't affirmative action a beautiful thing?

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