February 7, 2009

The 12% Solution

The Thief Executive, Barry Soetero, is Thief Executive solely because he is Black. Well, partly black. Of course, genetically he is as much Caucasian as he is Black. But in the world of fascists dictated to by the nine most powerful people on Earth (the T9's), Bozak is Black. No, he isn't Michael Steele or Condoleeza Rice Black, or even Colin Powell or Justice Clarence Thomas Black. According to the T9's, they're not Black. They're Conservative.

Barry is Ron Brown Black but not Al Sharpton Black. And heaven knows he ain't Jeremiah Wright Black.

Blacks represent just 12% of the American populous. Yet Blacks are by far the most statistically over-represented group in the country. T9 achieved that by foisting the perception that Blacks exist in America in equal number, or perhaps even in greater numbers, that Caucasians. As Jack Cashin has observed: "In contemporary America old-line racism has yielded to an even more pervasive race consciousness. No longer excluded from TV portrayal, blacks are now carefully spaced throughout. If we were to gauge American race relations solely from what we saw on TV commercials, we would have to conclude that in every group of three or more people there is exactly one black person. Indeed, advertisers tread very, very delicately when dealing with race relations. if, for example, a track meet is staged for a commercial, the ad people make sure that the black will come out no worse than second-but usually no better either (although ties are nice). Blacks are no longer cruelly stereotyped on TV; the current stereotype is much more benign. In the movies racism is turning in on itself. The white man has become the villain, the loser. In Little Big Man, Billy Jack, Soldier Blue, and Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here, whitey catches it from the Indian; in Walkabout from the aborigine; in White Dawn from the Eskimo. What he catches is not so much destruction as guilt. In the post-Shaft rash of black adventure films, whitey catches both and is asked to like it. Perhaps he does."

From Ivy League University Presidents, Fortune 100 CEO's, federal judges, state and local judiciaries, network and local news shows, sitcoms, commercials, lawyers, accountants and down to teachers, administrators, middle management and the assembly line, Blacks occupy a disproportionate number of top positions than 12%. Did I mention sport leagues?

If the numbers were a result of meritocracy (as perhaps found in sports/music), that would be a beautiful thing. But sadly it is not. The vast majority of Blacks that have achieved those positions were the recipients of favorable treatment programs of every conceivable nature. Many of those programs begin in school to get them out of high school despite the fact they are unqualified. We know the rest-- the Black seats in colleges, med schools, etc., and on to the set-aside jobs for Blacks in every sector of the economy.

When was the last time you used a male black doctor? Had a black airline pilot? Referred to a black geophysicist or computer scientist? How about a Black accountant? Indeed, any endeavor having fact, proof and/or science for its basis rather than popular opinion, rhetoric, rhyme, humor, a hoop or the reading skill of a ten year old?

It's rare. Extremely rare.

But Lauren, how can that be? Literally, I sit here praying that at least one of you assholes has the answer to that by now. American society is no longer fact-based. Nor is it truth-based. Due to the advent of electronic media this is now a world where anything can be claimed as fact under the guise and auspices of truth, neutrality and legitimacy. The medium is the message. Someone should really write a book about that. Actually, the medium as the message is more apropos.

The T9's have been evolved into the viewer's surrogate mind; because they have reported it there is no need for you to question it. And even if you tried you couldn't! Your instinctive need to ponder and question information has been replaced by the worst of all possible human frailties: the need for easy comfort, in other words, laziness. And there is no one more lazy in this world than an American.

The human need and constant temptation to do less rather than more is at the root of all human suffering and misery. So, instead of being human and confronting or questioning media information, Americans soak it up and store it away as fact and truth. And from there they then decide whom to vote for, what to support and even which suppository to use.

Thankfully, not everyone. The cocksucker-in-chief won--- if he won at all, and I doubt it, by a narrow sliver. Virtualy half of all Americans voted AGAINST the cocksucker. And for very good reason. Indeed, for lots of very good reasons.

We can start with the easy ones. According to The Intellectual Redneck
, what us Americans want to know is:

Obama has lived for 48 years without leaving any footprints -- none! There is no Obama documentation -- no records -- no paper trail -- none -- this can't be an accident.

Original, vault copy birth certificate -- Not released
Certificate of Live Birth -- Released -- Counterfeit
Obama/Dunham marriage license -- Not released

Obama/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent investigators)
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license -- Not released
Soetoro adoption records -- Not released

Soetoro/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent investigators)
Fransiskus Assisi School School application -- Released
Punahou School records -- Not released
Selective Service Registration -- Released -- Counterfeit
Occidental College records -- Not released
Passport (Pakistan) -- Not released
Columbia College records -- Not released
Columbia thesis -- Not released
Harvard College records -- Not released
Harvard Law Review articles -- None (maybe 1, unsigned?)
Baptism certificate -- None
Medical records -- Not released
Illinois State Senate records -- None
Illinois State Senate schedule -- Lost
Law practice client list -- Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None

But Lauren, for shit sake what the fuck is the difference? It's 2009; get a fucking life already and leave that poor man alone! I'll let one reader bemuse that one:

"What difference does it make to the future of this country whether Obama was born on US soil? Advocates of this destructive campaign will argue that the Constitutional principle regarding the qualifications for President trumps all others. But how viable will our Constitution be if 5 Supreme Court justices should decide to void 64 million ballots?”

A proponent of the reality that there is an outstanding question that exists relating to Barack Obama’s natural born citizenship (not that I have an answer, but rather simply that no answer has been given), my personal opinion is that this has less to do with the merit of this particular Constitutional law…and more to do with the character and integrity of a man who may have gone to such great lengths to, knowingly, break it. And in that course of action, our entire country (not just those who didn’t vote for him) and our most coveted process of Democracy (our vote), were defrauded.

If he’s found to be ineligible per the Constitution, proving he knowingly and willfully defrauded our people and process, it won’t be the Justices who will have disenfranchised 64 million voters. It’s Barack Obama. How many times are you prepared to claim “you fell down the stairs” for this man? I was an initial supporter. I started seeing very real and very questionable issues raised about the nature of his past associations, and the laughable explanations he would give…and I was sure it would hurt him in the press and among supporters. But what did I see? The press and most supporters to engrossed in their partisanship to care. In fact, the more reasonable questions came up about him…the harder the press and the 64 million that same press brainwashed, drove to the hoop for him. As I stood back watching this, again, as an initial supporter of his, even making phone calls on his behalf…I realized what I was seeing, was nothing short of WEIRD. Just, plain, weird.

And I thought this birth certificate issue (check that, “Certificate of Live Birth” issue…as opposed to “Certification of Live Birth”) was cleared up a long time ago. I thought there was no way the DNC would have been capable of such a gross oversight. Then the court cases came up, and nothing was done to quell the question. What finally landed me understanding that something is not right, is when Chiyome Fukino, Director of Health for Hawaii, released the statement about his birth. That statement actually did more harm than good, and it only demonstrated further how moronic far too many public officials and people in the media and governing bodies, think Americans are.

Sure, America has it’s slew of idiots. And sure, the aisle that questions Barack Obama’s natural born and/or properly maintained citizenship statuses has it’s smattering of fringe wingnuts. But just because one contingent of people happen to be on board, doesn’t nullify the fact that the question is still outstanding. I hear the same 5 refutations over, and over, and over. “He posted his birth certificate on his website”, “Factcheck proved it”, “The state of Hawaii released a statement saying he was born there”, “There was a birth announcement in a Hawaiian newspaper”, “Judges meritoriously threw it out as ‘frivolous’”; and while each of those statements hold an element of truth, they’re also easily debunked. And “truth” is objective. There is no debunking it. We should be able to move past this on to more subjective and productive lines of communication…with all the dissent we’re accustomed to…forging, like competition, improvement. But here we are. And one man can answer this objective question. And sure, not everyone will get on board if he were to release his college records and actual Certificate of Live Birth (as opposed to the factually less credible, more easily attained and more easily forged “Certification” - which bears no corroborating evidence like the hospital or doctor’s name)…but many would get on board. Coming off a platform of transparency, directly in to a promised pursuit for unity…why leave so many of us divided on what is a simple and objectively debunked question? If the Certification is authentic, the it’s more credible parent - the Certificate, exists. But rather than produce it, he has fought those requests so fiercely that he’s allowed the same requests to land in court rooms…where he continues to fight them. Why? So rather than quell the reasonable, objective and easily answered outstanding question…he opts non disclosure. I wrote somewhere else that the production of Certificate of Live Birth is a very small price t pay for unity. And yet, here we are. And Barack Obama, and Barack Obama only, is responsible for that. I am certain of that beyond any reasonable doubt, because Barack Obama, and Barack Obama only, can quell it…with an actual Certificate of Live Birth, and he has watched requests transition to court cases, and still refuses. So as a first order of business, in a promised pursuit for unity, he leaves us divided, on what should be a very simple, very objective, very basic matter. Who among us can applaud that? “I do, Hank. Because you’re all just whackjobs.” That’s all well and good if that’s your opinion. My brother said to me, “Yeah but if we pull him out, we’re going to look corrupt to the rest of the world.” I replied, “I’d rather look corrupt and not be it, than be corrupt and not look it.” So goes my position on being called a whackjob, for maintaining through nothing more than logic and fact, that there is a still outstanding question regarding Barack Obama’s natural born and properly maintained citizenship statuses. I’d rather be called a whackjob and stand by truth, than submit to mistruths and be called sound.

I didn’t hear any of the 5 standard press talking points in your piece, which leads me to believe the transition I anticipated is occurring. That is, virtually all of supporters (and I don’t know if you were one prior to November 4th or not), will go from, “He didn’t commit fraud. He is a natural born citizen”, to “So what if he committed fraud. So what if he isn’t a natural born citizen.” I’ve challenged others, staunch supporters in fact, as to whether or not they’d concede a gross misstep in character and judgement, and support his being held accountable for that, if he did commit this fraud. They’ve uniformly claimed they would. This article, blog, whatever it is…demonstrates the first piece I’ve actually seen that goes out of it’s way to say, “No. I wouldn’t. Barack Obama can lie, cheat and steal all he wants. And if he gets held accountable for it, it’s the fault of the Justices…because Barack Obama himself, is simply incapable of wrongdoing.”

Running that red light you sit at, day after day, when no one is looking, is pretty harmless too. But you know it’s wrong. This man, if not a natural born and properly maintained citizen of the United States, will have knowingly and willfully cheated our entire country, and more critical than that - our absolutely, inherently, unquestionably most coveted process of democracy - in what can only be articulated as a relentless pursuit for unapologetic, integrity-free, and division-inducing pursuit for power.

I would only add that there's a whole lot more than that we want to know, isn't there Barry?

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