December 25, 2008


Here it is; your ticket to sanity and all things that are right with the World. Welcome to Killer Konservative. This wasn't my idea. That credit goes to two people with whom you are quite familiar, yet wish to remain anonymous (at least for now). Here is where you will find the facts and the truth about all things political, legal, economic and social. As you can tell from the title, nothing will ever be sugar-coated here; you are entitled to the truth which is a commodity in extremely short supply in the United States these days.

Take for example the scumbag who allegedly is the new "President-elect." Barak Hussein Obama, a/k/a Barry Sotero to his drug dealers and bag men, is, among many, many other things, a non-American fiction of the liberal media who, with the help of his Adolph Hitler side-kick, literally stole the 2008 presidential election. Barry Sotero is a liar as well as a thief. And those are just his good points!. There will be much, much more said about that piece of shit in the days to come. I thought, however, people should be aware of the type of blog this is. If you're still reading, great! It means you are a good person with character and integrity, someone who is unable to participate in society as a common public schooled, liberal sociopath who cares about no one except herself yet pretends to care about justice and equal rights. Rather, you are a person who already knows the difference between "right and wrong," "good and bad" and don't need nor want to be lectured to by another nitwit from the Marcuse school of social tyranny.

Who am I? I am an American, and that's all that matters.

I look forward to posting frequently and your comments are welcomed. That includes comments from the sociopaths, too, because a little humor is always good for the soul.

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